In the vibrant era of the 1970s, a spirited girl named Emily Song is determined to elevate her family's status. Born to parents who are content with their ordinary lives, Emily is anything but satisfied. With the memory of a successful past life, she is on a mission to inspire her parents, Tom and Lisa Song, to strive for more. In a society that values hard work and ambition, Emily's parents are the antithesis of the American Dream. Yet, with Emily's relentless prodding, they find themselves on a journey to redefine their values and aspirations. Amidst the backdrop of a bustling American mining town, "Don't Let Your Parents Lose at the Starting Line" is a heartwarming tale of a family's pursuit of the American Dream, led by their own pint-sized strategist.
At the end of the year, after the rehearsal for the New Year's Eve stage performance, the lights fade and the audience seats are plunged into darkness. While following her team and passing by the seats of other artists, Bian Li accidentally trips and lands on someone's lap. She looks up to meet a pair of black eyes that seem to be smiling, and the warm-thighed owner, propping his face with one hand, lazily says, "Deliberately seeking my affection, do you like me?" That night, Bian Li is sent to the top of the hot search by an insider's revelation.